The Message of Grace

The Message of Grace

The Message of Grace is a ministry of Grace Bible Church (Warren, MI).  These programs were prepared for television audiences and can be seen on public access channels across the country.  Select Message of Grace programs were turned into Forgotten Truths program and are seen on broadcast television networks across the country.  You can contact Grace Bible Church or visit for more information.

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 198 – Why Paul?

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 197 – That Other Apostle

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 196 – A Question Everyone Should Ask

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 195 – The Ax of Acts

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 194 – Israel’s Hour of Crisis

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 193 – Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 192 – Things God Cannot Do

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 191 – Fear of the Lord

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 190 – Something No One Believes

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 189 – Miraculous Demonstrations

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 188 – The Pentecostal Movement

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 187 – Honoring the Name Jesus

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 186 – The Pentecostal Program

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 185 – Acts 2:38

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 184 – The Message of Pentecost

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 183 – The Great Blunder of the Church (Part 3 of 3)

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 182 – The Great Blunder of the Church (Part 2 of 3)

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 181 – The Great Blunder of the Church (Part 1 of 3)

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 180 – What Really Happened in Acts 2?

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 179 – Three Pivotal Points

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 178 – An Outline that Works

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 177 – The Keys to Acts

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 176 – Person & Work of the Holy Spirit

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 175 – Did Grace Begin with Jesus Christ?

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 174 – The Authority in the Church

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 173 – The Man Who Followed Judas

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 172 – Signs & Wonders in Israel

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 171 – The Overlooked Commission

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 170 – The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 169 – Four Portraits of Christ

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 168 – What on Earth was Christ Doing?

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 167 – God Will Have Mercy on Whom He Will

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 166 – I am a Saint, Are You?

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 165 – Paul’s Unique Calling & Gospel

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 164 – The Theme of Redemption

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 163 – The Message of the Kingdom

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 162 – The Importance of Jerusalem

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 161 – Where the Commissions Fit (Part 2)

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 160 – Where the Commissions Fit (Part 1)

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 159 – Our Great Commission

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 158 – The Bible is Our Authority

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 157 – Weighed in the Balances

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 156 – Are the Heathen Lost?

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 155 – Christ and the Gentiles

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 154 – A Man Sent from God

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 153 – The O.T., the N.T., and Us

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 152 – Two Different Gospels

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 151 – The Bread of Life

The Message of Grace:  Episode 199 – “But Now” What?

The Message of Grace: Episode 150 – What’s Wrong With This World?

II Timothy 4:2:

“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”

Psalm 40:7:

“Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,”

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