Why wouldn’t water baptism be for today since Paul water baptized some people?

I enjoyed browsing your web site but I had a couple of questions. 1-You say that Paul’s Acts Gospels are for the Body of Christ. I can see where you get that from BUT if you claim that head covering and the Lord’s Supper is for us today because it was done by Paul in 1 Corinthians then why wouldn’t water baptism be for today since Paul water baptized some people? 

2-If we are to take 1 Corinthians as being for the Body of Christ then why is the gifts not also present today? Paul spoke in tongues more than anyone.

I believe that Paul was not given the revelation of the mystery all at the same time. I believe it was a progressive revelation and was completed when Paul finished 2 Timothy.

Think about these things.

1-Paul talked in tongues

2-Paul was water baptized

3-Paul water baptized people

4-Paul healed people.

5-Paul says in Colossians that the ordinances are nailed to the cross. He did not say that “except for head covering and the Lord’s Supper” that the rest all nailed to the cross. ALL are nailed to the cross.

Anyway, I just wanted to speak my piece whether it means anything or not. We are saved by grace through faith and NOTHING else. When we start adding even 1 ordinance then it is no longer grace but law.

Always good to hear from a fellow believer even if we have differences.  I don’t think you need an explanation.  You probably know how I would answer your questions.  It is however interesting that the answers to all your questions – baptism, Paul water baptizing, tongues, healing … are all answered in          I Corinthians – where Paul is glad he stopped baptizing and why; where he said tongues would cease and what their purpose was; even what sign gifts including healing is associated with.  And you could not be more right when you wrote: “When we start adding even 1 ordinance then it is not longer grace but law.”  That is exactly what Romans 11:6 would teach us. Thanks for writing,